Monday 17 July 2017

Among other things, iSay goodbye

Dear friend,

Hope you have been doing fine. There was a time I wished I knew how you were doing fine or how you were miserable but now I really do hope you are fine. But it stops there. I don’t care if your future is bright or if it is bleak; I have lost interest. I guess this is called the death of a relationship. So I mark myself ‘safe’ in this death.
I missed the times we spent together. I missed it when once you got fascinated by a torn yet colourful mosquito net hanging behind me. I drew strength from you. I loved you.
You sucked the living daylights out of me. I let you. But it has stopped.
All good and bad things.
This is me saying goodbye to you.
I am happy. I do not care if you are. But I do not care if you are not either.

A forgiven and forgotten soul.