Sunday 23 November 2014

Among other things, iTry

I have decided to post all spontaneous poems that sneak up on me :) No matter how good or bad it is, irrespective of how incomplete and clichéd it gets. The purpose would be to encourage myself to write without expecting everything to be epic in nature. In short, to open a little window and to enjoy my silly words.

Here is one that happened a few mins ago:

Once upon a time
a story unfolds
of a young spirit
with a heart of gold
a story unfolds
a story untold?
more like a story
told to death
a story of hopelessness
and of unwavering faith
a story of how it ends
all well
how it is all swell
a story with
a happily ever after

How about a story
with a happily never after?
A tale that chases its tail
comes back to square one
a story where
people don't fight but run.
