Thursday 20 April 2017

Among other things, iOpen up

If you have been following my page and have been reading my blog, it will not come to you as a surprise that I suffer from depression. The disease not the state of mind.

I go to a therapist regularly. I am on medication for anxiety, depression. I know a lot of people who are going through treatment for this and then I know people who are not going through any form of therapy.

What is it like to be depressed? I have been asked that many times. Many asked me to understand me better, others asked me just 'cause they were curious. I told them as much as I could. Even though I suffer from it, it is very difficult to make anyone understand how I feel, 'cause well...I don't know how I feel a lot of times. I cannot process it.

When I came to Mumbai after living a very self-made lonely life in Kolkata, I had so many friends. Then, they started disappearing, gradually. Some just could not keep up with me withdrawing myself or going on a sudden hiatus. Totally understandable. Never blamed them.

I made some friends who were not exactly the right people for my life back then, or now. I don't know if they are 'good' or 'bad'. I don't understand those concepts.

I made bad decisions.
So there are 'actions' and 'consequences'. So obviously I had to own up to my actions. Which I did and will do. But yeah it still hurts me that some people I barely knew just judged me and walked out on me. And then again there were people who knew everything and still walked out when I did my best to not 'offend' them, I guess? Who knows.

There are two sides to a story. My side remains unheard.